
Engineered a Virtual Private Network

A site-to-site VPN connection was created with AWS.

My assignment to create a site-to-site VPN connection with AWS services between employer’s instances and a customer’s on-premises server.

Automated ETL Job with AWS Glue

An ETL Job was executed from an external S3 bucket with cross-account role permissions.

I received an AWS Glue project to retrieve data from an S3 bucket using a cross-account role. New objects would send an SNS alert to Eventbridge triggering AWS Glue to send a crawler to the source for ETL Job.

Deployed a highly available corporate website

A corporate website was deployed and maintained via AWS developer tools. 

Pro-Core Plus requested their internal corporate website to be deployed from a launch template in an auto-scaling group of EC2s. This deployment must be automated and maintained via AWS developer tools; CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline for revisions and updates.

Created a Bastion Host through a Network Load Balancer

A leaner, highly available Bastion Host was required for the Development Team.

I received a special assignment with a project for a leaner, scalable, and highly available group of EC2 instances needed by Pro-Core Plus’s Development Team. Instead of creating a Bastion Host through an internet-facing instance, I used an internet-facing Network Load Balancer in front of an auto-scaling group of instances. The Development Team had to SSH via the DNS of the Network Load Balancer to log into the ASG of EC2s.

Created an Executive ‘Break-Glass’ Account

An emergency user account was created  with highly privileged access when critically required.

 Pro-Core Plus requested a privileged local user to be created for critical emergencies. I created an SSM document in AWS to deploy this user account so it can be used in the future in case of emergencies. The ‘break-glass’ user can log in without a password via SSH with a public key to the authorized key file provided by management.

Used AWS Copilot to generate an ECS Cluster

A highly available, durable serverless application was created with ECS, Fargate, and Redis services.

I created a test environment experimenting with AWS Copilot’s automated deployment process with immediate results including a packaged Cloudformation template.

Created a website with a relational database from Terraform.

A Terraform template was coded to create a production website for client.

Pro-Core Plus’s Development Team needed me to deploy a WordPress website with an RDS MySQL database for production. A Terraform template was coded with an S3 backend and DynamoDB for secured best practices.

Deployed a CRM application with a database.

A CRM app with a configured database was deployed using PHP and MySql.

I created an auto-scaling group of EC2s where the CRM project was installed via a Git repo. An RDS MySQL database was created for the CRM app with data imported from the customer’s file via MySQL Workbench. Full administrative and user access was activated after running the project’s script.

Deployed Client’s Website via Elastic Container Service.

A corporate website attached with an EFS was deployed from a container.

Pro-Core Plus’s client needed their website to be orchestrated in an AWS Elastic Container Service with an EC2 cluster, and then deployed with an attached Elastic File System. The container’s cluster was automated with highly available EC2s.

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